Always, Katie: Proverbs 31: Day 10: Lessons


Sunday, July 10, 2011

Proverbs 31: Day 10: Lessons

Day 10. What is Jesus teaching you as a wife, mom, or friend? (Or just woman in general?)

This week, I have been learning a lot about my role as a wife and future mother.  What God has pressed on my heart most of all is that I need to nurture my family in a way that is pleasing to Him and authentic to me.  I cannot be my mother, mother-in-law, or either of my grandmothers... but I can and will be a Godly and wonderful wife and mother!  

I can look to wives and mothers I'm related to or friends with for inspiration--I would love to keep house as effortlessly as my mother, or welcome "extra" children into our home like HER mother... be my daughters' confidante like one friend's mom, or raise best friends like Momma H... raise a wonderful, active and loving brood of six like KK, or dote on an only child like my mom-in-law... but in the end, I can only draw inspiration, then do my own thing. 

And... as long as I meet my family's needs and raise my children to love and honor God, I am doing fine!  


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