Always, Katie: Proverbs 31: Day 17: Three Things that Make Me Smile


Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Proverbs 31: Day 17: Three Things that Make Me Smile

Day 17. Write about 3 things that make you happy.

1.  Snuggling under layers of comfy covers in bed with Ethan (and Charley across our legs outside the covers).  I love to pile on lots of sheets and blankets and quilts and just hang out, awake or asleep.  Bonus points if it's thunder-storming!   Ahhh...

2.  ROAD TRIPS!  It's a good thing I love road trips, because we've been taking a lot of them, and have a bunch coming up!  Zooming down the interstate, singing along to the radio and laughing and chatting with hubby.  Bliss!

3.  Ice. Cold. Diet Coke.  Ohhh yeahhh... 


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