It's been a while, but I have posted reviews of products that I have been able to try (free!) as a BzzAgent. My most recent campaign was for Garnier Fructis Triple Nutrition Shampoo AND conditioner. Garnier sent me a full-sized sample of each, with the only string attached being that I have to share my honest experience. So... here goes!
I've used Garnier Fructis products before - usually alternating between it and whichever Herbal Essences product tickles my fancy. Up until I received my BzzKit, I was using an Herbal Essences set, and was pretty pleased. I've been using Triple Nutrition for about a month now, and DO notice some improvement, though.
Triple Nutrition is for "dry, damaged hair." I don't consider my hair especially dry OR damaged, although I do tend to get split ends... that's mostly from my bad habit of NEVER getting it trimmed, though, I think ;c) I use a blow dryer and curling/flat iron maybe 3-4 times a week... If I wash my hair in the morning, I obviously HAVE to blow dry it. Before Triple Nutrition, my freshly blow-dried hair had some major, ugly, flighty volume... which I HAD to use an iron to tame. The ONE big difference since switching shampoo/conditioner is that this doesn't happen! I LOVE LOVE LOVE that I can use fewer damaging heat products on my hair!!! In this way, Triple Nutrition seems like a double-whammy: makes my hair healthier, so that I can damage it less! Totally awesome!

Something Garnier is very proud of right now is their new eco-friendly packaging. From their website: "We're getting greener! New designed bottle made of PET, the most widely recycled plastic contains 30% recycled material." In addition to the formula of the contents, I'm also supposed to review the packaging, sooo...
Guys, it's a bottle. I like the earth... it's been good to me, you know? But when it comes to picking a shampoo, the plastic content of the bottle is pretty low on my list of considerations. All other things being equal, I'll pick the eco-friendly bottle, but I'm not going out of my way or paying major extra money just to get a greener bottle. I know there are people for whom this is a big deal, but there are sooo many really important causes. I choose to devote my time, energy and money to others. The cap of my condition bottle broke off pretty quickly... it may or may not be a function of the kind of plastic used, but again... whatever. It's a bottle.
I'm not going to tell you that Triple Nutrition is going to change your life. But it's a good, reasonably inexpensive shampoo and conditioner. Next time you're looking to change it up a bit (that's healthy for hair, right?), and you have a Garnier coupon, go for it!
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