This infertility journey has been full of it. Here we are, with all of our doctors having signed off on our readiness for IVF, expecting to start during the month of March. So on Friday, I talked to my RE's office to set up an appointment for setting a treatment plan and schedule, and one to sit down with who
ever could help us apply for the financing my clinic advertises on their site - no interest for a year!
Then the receptionist told me that the financing is only for the lab portion, which is a relatively small percentage of the total cost of a cycle, and that it requires 50% down. The rest (/non-lab parts) of the cost of the cycle is due before any treatment starts. We've been expecting that we'd need to have several thousand dollars available, but to come up with the amount we will actually need will take us longer than we anticipated. And we don't want to miss this "sweet spot" my diabetes is hovering in. And, frankly, we are sick and tired of waiting... four years is a long time to spin your wheels.
So. We made the tough and humbling decision to fundraise the remaining $5,000. I have built a fundraising site at YouCaring, am going to sell some of the older jewelry I have mentioned a couple of times recently, and we have a couple of other ideas in the works, too... like an online silent auction, which I'll post about soon.
We appreciate your compassion and understanding, any financial support you are able and willing to give us, your thoughts and prayers, and any facebook/twitter/pinterest/email sharing y'all would feel moved to do. <3

I'll spread the word. It's time for baby Hodge to start heading our way!