Happy Tuesday, friends!
I have a snow day today, after MLK day yesterday, so I have had a wonderful, restorative, loooong weekend. I mentioned in my last post that this past week was the first week of my school counseling internship. This career comes with a lot of tricky emotional aspects, and some of the more intense of those happened to come up this week... so while it was a great week, full of great opportunities for learning and growth, I have been oh-so-grateful for a couple of days to kind of catch my breath :-)
This month, I have been able to cross out a few items (or sub-items) from my "To Do in 2014" list, most notably the make-ahead meals. My goal was to make 15 freezer meals that I could either throw in the crock pot on my way out the door in the morning, or move from the freezer to the oven quickly and easily if I was too drained from work to think about cooking.
Yesterday, I made a big batch of chicken nuggets, and I have enough chicken to make that many again, which I plan to do today or tomorrow. With those completed, I will be WELL over my 15 meal goal! (Before finishing that batch, I'm at about 14-15 meals, depending on how many nuggets we choose to heat up at a time. So I'm gonna go ahead and claim victory, haha!)
This list from Six Sisters' Stuff was a great jumping-off point for this project. I love this blog, and have followed them for a couple of years... everything I've ever tried of theirs has been fantastic!
Currently, in my freezer, I have:
- 3 Homemade Frozen Pizzas (We already ate one!) (Pepperoni and mushroom, btw. Yum!)
- 2 Meals of Crock Pot Orange Chicken
- 2 Meals of Slow Cooker Beef and Mushrooms
- 4-5 Meals of Homemade Chicken Nuggets
I do plan on making more meals for the next few weekends. (I'd love to keep at least 10 in the freezer at all times, even after the internship is over.) Can anyone recommend another delicious and easy go-to freezer meal for me to whip up?

You're making me hungry. Be there for dinner in a few... months. ;)