The Kidlets
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How far along?
12 weeks! Twelve glorious weeks along!!
Still don't know...
How big are they?
It seems like they're just a little bigger than last week... comparable to a lime (still?), a large plum, or an apricot. And now I'd like some fruit :-)
Changing Momma
Have you started to show yet?
Yep, although I don't THINK I'm any bigger than I was last week. I just love this little bump, though! I find my hands running over it, or cradling it, when I'm just sitting or standing around.
Weight gain?
Haven't seen a scale this week :-)
Maternity Clothes?
I wore my maternity jeans to Thanksgiving dinner... but I'm still wearing non-maternity shirts. I prefer them, because my cute little bump shows better in them!
Stretch Marks?
No new ones...
Belly Button In or Out?
Still in :-)
Momma's Feeling
Still wanting cold meat... Thanksgiving leftovers have made me a happy camper these last couple days! And I had an isolated craving for pizza... we took care of that today :-)
Anything making you queasy or sick?
Yes. Pregnancy ;-) Everything... I had had a few good days and was thinking morning sickness was over. I was wrong.
Happy or Moody Most of the Time?
Still happy most of the time, but moody is starting to make a few more appearances...
Possibly. I have this weird symptom where I feel like something is triggering my gag reflex, but I can't put my finger on anything that could be triggering it. An experienced mom-friend of mine said that she sometimes felt something similar when her little ones moved, even before she could feel them moving (based on ultrasound, etc). I'm sticking with that explanation, because it makes me all happy and googly-eyed, and that's always nice. ;-)
Not bad at all!
What I Miss:
I took a bath last night, to celebrate being 12 weeks... I kept it at 100 degrees, since it's safest for the babies to stay near body-temp. Turns out, I prefer my bathwater a LOT hotter than 100 degrees!! So I'm still gonna go with missing my hot baths. :-(
Other Symptoms:
Occasional backaches, but other than that and the nausea, I've been feeling pretty decent.
Highlights and Coming Soon
Best Moment of the Week:
There weren't a ton of twins-related moments this week, really... it was nice to celebrate my first major holiday pregnant, though. I can't wait to have a pregnant Christmas, too! And a pregnant Valentine's Day!! Realizing that I might never have another childless Mother's Day, and that Ethan would definitely not have another childless Father's Day, was a pretty special moment, too!
Looking Forward To:
December 8th's doctor's appointment and ultrasound... canNOT come soon enough!!!

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