The Kidlets
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How far along?
14 weeks today <3
We were given a pretty good guess this week... we have another ultrasound on January 5th, and we'll confirm then and announce after that. I just don't want to say one way and have to take it back!!
How big are they?
At the ultrasound on Monday, they measured about 8cm each. :-) My apps say they're each the size of a lemon, a clenched fist, or a beet. One sounds violent, the other makes me envision two little Dwight Schrutes living inside me, so we're going with lemons ;-)
Changing Momma
Have you started to show yet?
Oh yeah.
Weight gain?
Still only up around 10 pounds or less.
Maternity Clothes?
Yep, and I got a few more pieces in this week... a couple that are super basics that I'm going to use for projects :-) And a couple that I can't wait to wear as is!
Stretch Marks?
No new ones...
Belly Button In or Out?
Still in... but we both think it's shallowing a little.
Momma's Feeling
I got a whale of a craving for candy canes earlier in the week. And I'm munching on some of those tiny ones right now :-)
Anything making you queasy or sick?
It seems like maaaaybe this is easing up a tiny bit? I threw up once this week, but it seemed less like nausea and more of a super-strong reflux thing.
Happy or Moody Most of the Time?
I've been fairly moody this week, but we're also grieving the loss of my grandfather, so I'm pretty sure it's not so much a pregnancy hormone thing....
Possibly? We learned that Baby A moves fairly constantly, and Baby B goes NUTS when not napping. :-)
It could DEFINITELY be worse!
What I Miss:
Other Symptoms:
Prevacid has changed my life :-) Heartburn was getting unbearable, but it's gone now! Other than that, just some aches and stuff.
Highlights and Coming Soon
Best Moment of the Week:
Baaaaaabies!! We got 45 minutes of face time with the kiddos on Monday, and it was just... wonderful. Our ultrasound tech was a lot of fun, and taught us a lot about what we were seeing, so we felt like we were really getting to "know" them. And we got the genetic test results back yesterday, and they place our odds at either twin having trisomy 13, 18 or 23 at 1 in 10,000 per condition. That's the lowest odds they can give :-)
Looking Forward To:
Nothing major coming up in the next week... I'm looking forward to getting into the Christmas groove with my new little bump in tow :-) And of course, counting down to January 5. :-)

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