The Kidlets
How far along?
20 weeks!
One girl, one boy.
How big are they?
This week, we start measuring from head to toe instead of from crown to rump, so it SOUNDS like they have had massive growth spurts, even though they haven't grown THAT much :-) They each should weigh about 10.5 ounces, and measure about 10 inches from head to toe. That's about the length of a banana or an endive, or the diameter of a mango (I guess a slightly bigger mango than last week's?). Yowza.
Changing Momma
Have you started to show yet?
Just a smidge ;-)
Weight gain?
I don't know... this whole not-weighing-at-home thing is kind of nice.
Maternity Clothes?
Yep... and I've outgrown my pajama sets... now nightgowns/nightshirts are all that still fit from pre-pregnancy.
Stretch Marks?
No new ones on my belly...
Belly Button In or Out?
It's so SHALLOW!
Momma's Feeling
I don't care, as long as it's food.
Anything making you queasy or sick?
Hunger... I'm super-hungry, and if I don't eat a little something every hour or so, I get really nauseated.
Happy or Moody Most of the Time?
Pretty perky!
Yeah, they're moving :-) It's hard not to spend all my time pressing on my belly, visiting with my babies. It makes them seem so much more real, and I like to imagine we're getting to know their personalities. :-) Baby Boy woke me up this morning, moving around <3
Not too shabby!
What I Miss:
The usual... HOT baths and caffeine.
Other Symptoms:
My feet are getting a little poofy by the end of a day, and I still have pretty frequent back aches and belly stretching feelings.
Highlights and Coming Soon
Best Moment of the Week:
We got the nursery CLEANED OUT!!! It's so cool to walk by and see only furniture that will be used with our babies... a dresser used by their Daddy and Grandpop when they were little, and a glider their Gram and Poppy rocked me in when I was a baby. :-) And! My cousin offered to throw us an online baby shower (since most of that side of my family lives out of town), and my mom-in-law and dad-in-law started planning a local shower for us, too :-) So excited to celebrate these precious babies and that so many people love them already... we are all so lucky and loved <3
Looking Forward To:
February 3 for our next ultrasound... and we're starting newborn parenting classes that night, and childbirth classes soon after :-)

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