Always, Katie: Baby, Baby: 23 Week Bumpdate


Saturday, February 14, 2015

Baby, Baby: 23 Week Bumpdate

The Kidlets


How far along?
23 weeks... Almost to "viability week"!!  

One girl, one boy <3

How big are they?
They should each weigh a little over a pound... my apps say the size of a large mango (is this the third week someone has said mango?), a papaya, a bunch of grapes, or a grapefruit.  I personally like the grapefruit idea... 7 months ago, I had two grapefruit-sized ovaries, now I have two grapefruit-sized babies <3

Changing Momma

Have you started showing yet?
Yep. ;-)

Weight gain?
Up roughly 20 pounds, but haven't weighed this week. 

Maternity Clothes?
Exclusively :-)

Stretch Marks?
YES!  One teeny tiny one under my belly that I need a mirror to see.  It's, like, a quarter-inch long, and I've named it Squiggles <3

Belly Button In or Out?
Soooo shallow.  It cracks me up :-)

Momma's Feeling

Reese's cups/eggs/whatever.

Anything making you queasy or sick?
Nope, feeling pretty good on the nausea front :-)

Happy or Moody Most of the Time?
Well, I spontaneously cried almost every day this week... for reasons ranging from "those flowers are pretty" to "I really love my dog" to "pregnancy hurts and I can't breathe."  So we'll go with moody ;-)

Yeah... it's neat :-)  I love it when Ethan can feel them too... still haven't been able to catch them on video yet, though. 

Not half bad :-)

What I Miss:
The usual gripes... hot baths and caffeine ;-)

Other Symptoms:
Aches and pains... labored breathing, especially at night.  Annnnnd the belching.  Still So.Much.Belching.

Highlights and Coming Soon

Best Moment of the Week:
Every little kick... finding out the cribs have shipped... and our kids got their first pieces of mail!  (Invitations to their shower, haha!)

Looking Forward To:
Building the cribs, and we have some little decorating ideas we're hoping to tackle this weekend. :-)
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