The Kidlets
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How far along?
24 weeks! Today marks another milestone, "viability." It's sort of a morbid milestone, but generally, babies born after this mark have at least a small chance at surviving. Estimates of survivability vary a lot, but most sources seem to agree that a baby born at 24 weeks is about twice as likely to survive as one born at 23 weeks. Of course, the odds only increase from here on out :-) Hang in there, babies!!
One girl, one boy :-)
How big are they?
Each baby should be about 13 inches long and weigh about a pound and a half or more, and it looks like they will be gaining a lot, quickly over the next few weeks. My apps compare them to ears of corn, eggplants, and cantaloupes. I also read that my uterus would be the size of a soccer ball... if I was carrying ONE child. So... bigger than a soccer ball :-)
Changing Momma
Have you started showing yet?
I'm going to have to find a new question to take the place of this one... yeah, I'm showing :-) And still stopping in shock to stare as I pass mirrors.
Weight gain?
I don't know for sure, but I'm betting I've gained a good bit more. I'm feeling rather massive these days... and it's still early! :-)
Maternity Clothes?
Yes, and I have two new pairs of Old Navy yoga pants on the way... thankfully! They're about the only maternity pants I find comfortable. I think I lost some thigh/hip/butt weight in the beginning, and it's hard to find pants that are comfortable through there, but still accommodate (and will continue to accommodate) the bump. If I had to make a list of pregnancy must-haves (that'll probably happen eventually), these yoga pants would be right near the top!!! Yoga pants have given me so much joy... some day, I should actually try yoga ;-)
Stretch Marks?
Found three more last night!! All under my belly... one of them is pretty long. I'm earning my stripes ;-) It's weirdly comforting, that there is physical evidence of why I've been so uncomfortable and stretchy lately... it's not me being a wimp, there's some serious growing going on!
Belly Button In or Out?
It's more of a belly dimple at this point...
Momma's Feeling
Really, really random food. The other night, I wanted soft pretzels and mozzarella sticks. Someone needs to combine those two things...
Anything making you queasy or sick?
Not really, but I do seem to be getting sensitive to smells again....
Happy or Moody Most of the Time?
Thankfully, I've been much more even-keeled this week than last! I have moody moments, but they're usually less random-emotional and more because everything hurts.
Yep. Love it! It reminds me to pause and talk to them. :-)
Getting a little rougher, but I'm still sleeping reasonably well. I just never feel that rested in the morning. It's weird.
What I Miss:
Caffeine, scalding-hot baths, and walking up the stairs without needing a 20-minute breathing break ;-)
Other Symptoms:
Had a random recurrence of my heartburn one night, despite still being on daily Prevacid. Other than that, just the regular aches and pains and stretchy feelings that come from having two rapidly-growing humans living in your body. ;-) Oh, and the gas. Both kinds. Constantly. There's no room for air with those kids in there....
Highlights and Coming Soon
Best Moment of the Week:
THE CRIBS ARE BUILT!!!! There are two assembled cribs in our "crib" and soon they will be occupied by real live babies! I alllllmost lost it as we stood back and checked out our handiwork the other day... I sometimes don't know if I ever really, truly, completely believed we'd be building ONE crib, let alone TWO.
Looking Forward To:
Ultrasound in about 10 days... shower right after that... and packing hospital bags :-)

Woo hoo!! Trucking along!! :)