The Kidlets
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How Far Along?
30 weeks!! 8 weeks or fewer until we meet our little princess and little prince!
One girl, one boy.
How big are they?
At our ultrasound appointment, the sonographer calculated their weights at 3lbs 6oz each! Their weights are within 1% of each other, which is really good! They should be about 17 inches long now, and my apps compare them to cantaloupes, cabbages, cucumbers and acorn squashes.
Changing Momma
Have you started showing yet?
Weight Gain?
I didn't get weighed at this appointment. Darn ;-)
Maternity Clothes?
Yes, but my non-maternity dresses from Target (similar here and here) have been my go-to lately. I'm outgrowing a lot of my maternity shirts.
Stretch Marks?
I'm a mess. I honestly don't care for vanity purposes (very few people ever see my belly anyway, and I worked darn hard to earn these stripes)... but it's a little intimidating when you think about what is going on in/under the skin to CAUSE these marks. My skin is basically shredding. Eek!
Belly Button In or Out?
I'm starting to think it's never going to pop :-( But a couple days ago, we were watching Baby Girl dance across my belly, and she was pushing right behind my belly button. It was funny to watch it go almost flat and then sink back in.
Momma's Feeling
Orange juice! Suddenly, I can't get enough of it :-)
Anything making you queasy or sick?
A couple random bouts of mild nausea I really couldn't attribute to anything in particular...
Happy or Moody Most of the Time?
It's been a fairly moody week.
Almost constant, from one or the other if not both. It's nice to have company when I get up in the middle of the night!
I've had a couple of decent nights lately, which make the all-too-frequent lousy nights easier to deal with.
What I Miss:
The usual. Also, there's a Cracker Barrel about 6 miles from my hospital... praying it's still open when I'm cleared to scarf devour snack on some pancakes and syrup after delivery. :-) Anyone know of anywhere that sells pancakes with good syrup 24/7 in the Dayton, OH area?
Other Symptoms:
Itching, backaches, round ligament pain, and Braxton-Hicks contractions.
Highlights and Coming Soon
Best Moment of the Week:
It was a banner week! Our ultrasound and appointment were probably the best of the best this week...
Maternity pictures were SO much fun! I'm so glad we were able to do them, and I think we're going to have lots of great images to remember this crazy-awesome time in our lives.
The hospital tour was intense... I had slight panicky feelings when I smelled the OR (why must they all smell scary?), and a deep sadness touring the NICU. But we had lots of questions answered very satisfactorily... they believe strongly in skin-to-skin and the magical hour of bonding, and try to observe and practice them even with c-sections (if we end up needing one). There is no reason Ethan and I will EVER be separated unless we choose (like if I want him to follow one/both of the kids to the nursery)... many of my little fears and insecurities were calmed. Except the big fear of people handing us two helpless, tiny humans and expecting us to keep them alive and happy. But we'll cross that bridge when it comes ;-)
Looking Forward To:
Meeting the babies in less than two months!! Not much else on the horizon I can think of... we tried to have most everything scheduled and done by 30 weeks, in case of bed rest, early labor, etc. So basically, we now have until they arrive to straighten up, clean, organize, and daydream!
Doctor's Appointments:
My NST was a little difficult because both babies kept wiggling away from the heart rate monitor. The poor nurse had to sit there the whole time and search and press on my belly. Ornery little people. :-) The ultrasound went really, really well! The NST must have tired out the kiddos, because they were super-cooperative for the ultrasound. Baby Boy is still breech, laying across the top of my belly. Baby Girl is head down!! WooHoo!! The doctor doesn't think that she's likely to change position, so we had a great conversation about prepping for a vaginal delivery. All of the doctors in that practice are comfortable and experienced with delivering breech Baby Bs, so his position is fairly irrelevant, but they won't attempt it without a vertex Baby A. SO excited that we have one now, and really hoping she stays put!! Baby Boy's fluid is a tiny bit high, but they're not concerned because everything else looks great, and Baby Girl's fluid is totally normal. It's apparently not uncommon in diabetics to have extra fluid... it just means I look (and feel) even a little more pregnant than I am, and that Baby Boy has plenty of room to roll and play ;-)

I've been praying for you! 30 weeks is a huge accomplishment. Keep up the great mommas, baby-growing work. My B baby was breech too! Will be praying for you in the weeks to come as you prepare in all ways for your wee ones.