Wishing a very happy due date to our 10-day-old little peanuts <3
Abigail Rebecca was born on June 3, 2015 at 6:09am, weighing 6lbs, 2oz and measuring 20 inches long.
Her little (/big) brother Samuel Ethan came one minute later, weighing 6lbs, 14oz and measuring 20.25 inches long.
Momma, Daddy, and big brother Charley are head-over-heels in love!
I'll work on our birth story soon, but for now, enjoy this picture overload of the cutest twins ever!
Abbie on the left, Sam on the right |
Abbie on the left, Sam on the right |
First family-of-four picture <3 |
Snuggly in Daddy's hands... Sam's in the hat. |
Fairly sure Sam's on the left, Abbie's on the right. |
Abigirl |
Sam-Man |
Our girl <3 |
Our boy <3 |