Today for the #BlogtemberChallenge, we're talking about our bucket lists!
"10 items off your bucket list. If you haven't made one, now's a good time to start!"
In recent years/months, I've been able to cross several items off my list... fall in love, see Garth Brooks in concert, buy a house, become a mom... So I had to think of a few more things I've been wanting to do to add to the list... make 'em official :-)
1) Be an extra in a movie. Movies film in our area from time to time, and they're always looking for local extras. I want to apply some day, maybe the twins will be discovered and support their daddy and me in our old age ;-)
2) Spontaneously pull my car over and pick a wildflower bouquet. The spontaneity isthe key here for me... I don't want to go out in search of a bouquet, I want to be so excited about the flowers that I put aside my timeline, get out of the car, and enjoy them.
3) Return to France and Tuscany... spend some quality time getting to know the people and local flavor, away from tourist paths. We went to France and Italy on our honeymoon, and hit lots of the big tourist spots. But our time was limited, and some day I want to be able to take a leisurely trip and see some of the "real" places we missed.
4) Build a lampworking studio at home and make glass beads. I took a lampwork bead-making class a couple years ago and really enjoyed it. I want to take more classes until I'm comfortable, then get a torch and kiln for our house and really develop my skills.
5) Earn a PhD/PsyD. I'm not sure which direction I would go.. follow my undergrad passion and specialize in criminal profiling, or expand on my school counselor grad degree, possibly researching around girls with ADHD.
6) Be invited to speak to a large group as an "expert." Related to number 5, I want to establish myself as an expert in something and have the opportunity to share it with others.
7) Learn to play guitar. Ethan got me a guitar a couple years ago, and I played around trying to learn from youtube. But I have problems with my hands being tiny, and I think I need a real instructor. But who has the time? ;-) My goal is to be good enough that I can sit and strum by our Christmas tree while our family sings carols.
8) Celebrate our 50th anniversary. 'Nuff said.
9) Take our children and grandchildren on a big family vacation. Either a cruise, or Disney World... how fun to hang out as one big family and experience either of those things together, through the eyes of different generations :-)
10) Pet a big cat (lion, tiger, cheetah, etc). I've always loved big cats and just been enthralled with their power and grace. And how cute they are!!

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