Today's #BlogtemberChallenge prompt is:
"What's in your bag? Pick up your purse and peruse its contents, then share with us!"
My usual bag is a diaper bag, but I do carry a pouch of "mom stuff" in it. I use this bag my mom made me because it keeps my things separate and easy-to-reach, and the window makes it easy to tell at a glance if I've packed everything I need :-)
The pink pouch in the corner is where I keep my diabetes stuff... my meter, strips, lancing device, lancets, and back-up syringes and insulin in case my pump malfunctions. I also carry Smarties to treat low blood sugars. They're much yummier than the products marketed for this purpose, and seem to work at least as well ;-)
I have Wubbanubs for the babies... I know this is the Mom pouch, but being able to reach these quickly is crucial!! I also have a pair of socks for each of them. This is a recent addition, because I grabbed them in case thy got cold some place we were going. But they rarely wear socks... Abbie's feet are just now big enough, and Sam is a tiny FURNACE. :-)
Lip stuff - A lipstick from our maternity photos... it's a brand the salon I went to to get my makeup done sells. An EOS ball, in vanilla mint... I got it to stash in my "go bag" for labor and delivery, so I'd be sure to have one but wouldn't have to give up the one I'd been obsessed with at the time. A NARS crayon sample from my Sephora birthday gift. :-)
Random stuff - a couple of napkins, because you never know... and a diet Coke lid with a code I haven't texted in yet. :-)
So there you have it... the exciting contents of my "purse"! Haha!!!

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