Always, Katie: Twin Halloween Costumes - Salt and Pepper Shakers

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Twin Halloween Costumes - Salt and Pepper Shakers

When I was a little kid, my mom made us Halloween costumes every year.  They were always comfortable, always cute, and always different from what all the other kids were wearing :-)

I'm not a seamstress by any means (I can kinda sew a straight line.  Sometimes.)... but it meant a lot to me to be able to finally make Halloween costumes for our long-awaited babies.  

I had two-ish requirements: 
  1. They had to either be "twin" costumes, or somehow specific to our kids (like plays off nicknames).  and 
  2. Abbie's needed to include a tutu!
I used the tutu tutorial (tututorial?) from The Hairbow Company to start with, then adapted the tututorial a little bit to better suit our purposes.  I made the tulle strips a little bit shorter (18" instead of 22") and only did one layer, since Abbie would be held or in a carseat or bumbo the whole time.  Double-layered tutus will be SO CUTE when she's walking around!  Using the stretchy headband as a waistband was a wonderful shortcut, and made for a comfy-seeming and "finished" looking waist!

Sam's "S" was hand-basted (because my sewing machine needle is bent and I haven't done the research to learn to replace it yet) onto a white onesie that I'll detach the felt letter from and use again and again, and Abbie's "P" was actually on a little belt I rigged out of felt, buttons, and a little bit of elastic.  Totally winged (wung?) it!  But the black onesie that I used for hers had an adorable black cat on it, and she wore it a few times right up until the night of our trunk-or-treat. :-)

So Poppa Bear and I threw on some aprons and tossed some candy in the bowl of my stand mixer, and took the cutest little salt and pepper shakers ever to their (and actually, my) first trunk-or-treat!  They were kind of a hit - but I don't know that that had anything to do with the costumes ;-)

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