A couple of weeks ago, I wrote this post about social media and hypersensitivity... today, I wanted to follow up on that a bit and share some posts by other bloggers who are also thinking about some of the things I talked about in my original post :-)
Lindsay at It's Simply Lindsay wrote about how to respond to negativity with kindness. I was challenged by it... I try to be a kind person, but it sure isn't easy sometimes! She reminds us of all the reasons why this is such an important and valuable skill to learn.
Annie at The Free and Wild Blog shared this, about the generation who put down their phones. I feel like maybe some of her points are a little bit overstated (although not necessarily untrue), but it's compelling and an interesting read. :-) Check it out and see what you think :-)
Emma at The Happy Journal wrote a very heartfelt post about considering what you post and being positive on social media. I'd be interested to read your thoughts on this... personally, I have shared a lot of struggles and "darker" feelings around my depression, infertility, etc, and I've done so out of a desire to relate, connect, and hopefully encourage. I don't regret it, and I have no plans to do what she did, although I greatly respect her actions and the epiphany that led to them :-)
I love that there's room for all kinds of very different approaches to the way we handle and utilize social media, and that not one of these approaches is a one-size-fits-all solution or template for everybody.

I had no idea I had been featured here. Thank you so much!