Always, Katie: Some Favorite Photo Challenge Entries So Far!


Monday, February 6, 2017

Some Favorite Photo Challenge Entries So Far!

My Valentine's Day photo challenge on Instagram is in full swing, and I'm loving all the fun pictures I've seen so far! I'm going to share a few of my favorites - stop by and visit some of the accounts and leave them a little love. :-)

And it's never too late to join - you don't have to have been in on it from the beginning or enter every day. We'll just be glad to have you as much as you'd like to participate... and who knows, you may be the lucky one who wins my dragonfly earrings!

Can you even with this fluffy pup!? <3

Obviously, I'm partial to the twin bond <3

I love this style of earring, and these little smoochy lips are too cute! 

I love this shirt and the little pony tails! If Abbie ever holds still long enough, I can't wait to try them on her :-)

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